5 Star Review From a Happy Customer

We love to hear back from our customers!  Here's a glowing review we received and one that we will always treasure. 

Here is a picture of Henry when we first brought him home to foster him. He had a doggie diaper on. The other one is a picture of him after being on Brothers for about 8 or 9 months now.

I recently found out that (before we took him to foster) the rescue was struggling with the thought that they may have to put him down. Because he is blind and deaf and was dumped, he had extreme anxiety and excessive spinning and barking. He was not adoptable and fosters were returning him after only 24 hrs. He was such a mess. It took us over a month to get him to not constantly spin and bark in the house and to not go potty in the house. We recently took him to the vet and the vet told us that we were feeding a "too expensive" food. That we should take him off Brothers and buy a RX enzyme and prebiotic (which would cost around $200 a month). I laughed and kindly said, I think we'll stick to our food. LOL! I honestly can't say enough good things about Brothers. Henry is now a happy dog that only poops 2 to maybe 3 (small) times a day. It has truly changed his life. He also sleeps in our room now and doesn't have to be kenneled at night. :) Thank you again so much for remembering Henry. That is very sweet of you.
In Christ,

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